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Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Bellevue, Nebraska, will hold a regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. on August 26, 2021, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 1500 Wall Street, Bellevue, Nebraska, regarding:
1. Request to declare as Blighted and Substandard Lot 1, College Apartments Addition. Applicant: Stella Realty, LLC. General location: 400 W 19th Avenue.
2. Request to amend Sections 5.27 ML Light Manufacturing, and 5.28 MH Heavy Manufacturing, City of Bellevue Zoning Ordinance, regarding the addition of recycling collection and processing facilities as a permitted use. Applicants: Waste Connections of Nebraska, Inc. and City of Bellevue.
3. Request to rezone Lots 12B & 13C, South of Drainage Ditch, Butterfields Subdivision, located in the Northeast ¼ of Section 10, T13E, R13E, Sarpy County, Nebraska; Tax Lot 14, Except that Part taken for Highway Right-of-Way, and Part of Vacated State Right-of-Way in the East ½ of the East ½ in the Southeast ¼ adjacent to Tax Lot 14, all located in the Southeast ¼ of Section 10, T13, R13E, Sarpy County, Nebraska; and Part of Vacated State Right-of-Way in the Southwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼, West of Fort Crook Road South, located in the Southwest ¼ of Section 11, T13, R13E of the 6th P.M., Sarpy County, NE, from FX and BNH to ML for the purpose of light industrial development. Applicant: Waste Connections of Nebraska, Inc. General location: Fairview Rd and Ft Crook Rd S.
4. Request to rezone Lots 1 and 2, Whispering Timber Estates Replat 7, being a replat of Lot 106, Whispering Timber Estates, Lot 1 Whispering Timber Estates Replat 6, and Lot 2A1, Fair Hill Addition, from AG, RE and RS-84-PS to RE and RS-84-PS for the purpose of existing residential development. Applicants: Todd Santoro and Greg Dennis. General location: Hickory Cir and Childs Rd E.
5. Request to rezone Lots 154 through 196, and Outlots “F” through “I,” Spring Ridge, being a platting of Tax Lot 12, Tax Lot 13A, Lot 2 Bohac Addition, and Outlot B, Green Meadows, all located in the Southwest ¼ of Section 22, T14N, R13E of the 6th P.M., Sarpy County, NE, from AG and BG to RA, BG, and RG-8-PS for the purpose of single family and multi family residential development; and preliminary plat Lots 154 through 196, and Outlots “F” through “I,” Spring Ridge. Applicant: Orchard Valley, Inc. General Location: S 21st St and Gilmore Lake Rd.
6. Request to amend Sections 2.22 Definitions, 5.27 ML Light Manufacturing District, 5.28 MH Heavy Manufacturing District, 5.35 HCO Highway 34 Corridor Overlay District, and Article 8 Supplemental Regulations, City of Bellevue Zoning Ordinance, regarding solar energy. Applicant: City of Bellevue.
An agenda of the meeting, which is kept continually current, is available for public inspection at the Planning Department located at 1510 Wall St.
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