City of Omaha/Douglas County Notice Inviting Bids 8/2/2024
Douglas County is requesting Qualifications/ Proposals for Construction Manager at Risk Services for Douglas County Department of Community Mental Health Center for New Construction. Project locations for this work be will on the Douglas County Midtown Campus located at 1101 south 42nd St, Omaha, Ne 68105.
Interested firms must submit ten (10) hard copies and one (1) electronic PDF copy on USB flash drive of the Statement of Qualifications. Without fail, Statement of Qualifications must be received by 1:00PM CDT, Monday, August 19, 2024.
Douglas County Public Properties Department
Jeff McGill, Director -
Zach Wellman, Construction Manager -
Point of Contact:
Attaining the Request for Proposal and Inquiries relating to this Statement of Qualifications should be directed to Zach Wellman, Douglas County Public Property Office, (402) 444-7878.
7/19 - 8/19 ZNEZ
The City of Omaha, acting as Agent for the owner, invites bids for the REHABILITATION OF DWELLING UNIT at:
2868 Corby St
2854 Corby St
2905 Lake St
Licensed contractors whom are not registered as an eligible contractor for bidding may register for future projects may do so by visiting the City’s website: to complete an application to meet the program requirements.
Closing Time:
3:00 P.M.,
Wednesday, August 14, 2024.
Sealed bids are invited and will be received on or before the closing time, as per specifications on file in the office of Rehab Division of the Planning Department, Room 1111, Omaha/Douglas Civic Center.
Sealed bids to be addressed to Rehabilitation Division, Room 1111, Omaha/Douglas Civic Center marked “Bid on REHABILITATION OF DWELLING UNIT, with the address and job number identified”, must be on file in his office on or before 3:00 P.M. on the closing date, at which time the bids will be opened and ready by the Rehab Division before bidders and the public in Room 1111, Omaha/Douglas Civic Center.
Attention is called to the fact that not less than minimum salaries and wages as specified by the U.S. Secretary of Labor as set forth in the specification may be paid on the rehabilitation work. The contractor must, furthermore, insure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of race, color or creed, sex or national origin.
The bidder must file a certificate of insurance with the Rehab Division evidencing comprehensive public liability insurance coverage protecting the property owner for not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate arising out of the work performed by the contractor. Evidence of workman’s compensation insurance must be shown prior to receipt of the order to proceed with the work.
The owner reserves the right to accept, reject, or negotiate any or all bids in whole or in part.
Rehabilitation Division
8/2 ZNEZ
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Omaha Daily Record
The Daily Record
222 South 72nd Street, Suite 302
Omaha, Nebraska
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