The Ralston City Council will hold a public hearing at 5:30 PM on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 1327, an ordinance to consider adding Chapter X, section 9-1001 to the Ralston Municipal Code, 2018 International Fuel Gas Code. Public comments will be accepted. An agenda will be kept current and available for public inspection at the Office of the City Clerk, 5500 S. 77th Street, Ralston, Nebraska 68127. Written comments should be addressed to the City Clerk at the above address.
Maura Kelly Ryan
City Clerk
2/28 ZNEZ
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Ralston, Nebraska, will be held at 5:30 PM on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 in the Council Chambers at Ralston City Hall, 5500 S. 77th Street, Ralston, NE. An agenda, which is kept continuously current is available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk at City Hall.
Maura Kelly Ryan
City Clerk
2/28 ZNEZ
Ralston City Council Meeting
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
The complete minutes are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during regular business hours or on the City’s website at
The Ralston City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 5:30 PM at Ralston City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll was called with the following present: Mayor Groesser, Council members Krause, Brousek, Kjar, Preis, Kavanaugh and Fideline. Absent: None.
The agenda was available at City Hall for public inspection and posted prior to the meeting. The legal notice for the meeting was published in the Daily Record. Claims listed are approved and part of these minutes. Mayor Groesser welcomed the press and guests. Groesser said the meeting is subject to the Nebraska Open Meetings Act. A copy of the Act is posted at the rear of the Council Chambers and is available to view on the City’s website at
The City Council reviewed the following items under the consent agenda. Approval of City Council Minutes from the January 16th Council Meeting; Approval of Claims; Liberty First Credit Union Arena Financial Statements for period ending December 31, 2023; Department Head and/or Commission Reports. Moved and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda and move Item Number 1 under Action Items to Discussion items. Aye: Krause, Brousek, Kjar, Preis, Kavanaugh and Fideline. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Freshman reported that he is working on getting the dog park started and working on the new sound system. Dittmer distributed his report. Bohling reported going through the final analytical questions on the audit. Leonardo gave January’s traffic report. Peña noted they started their annual free tax help. This service is offered through April 13th. Sixteen to twenty appointments are available per day. Utterback reported they met with their ISO (Insurance Service Organization) representative and are preparing for an October evaluation. Hoppe noted that the ISO rating is based on our ability to respond to emergency situations. Schulz reported she worked with the Omaha Sports Commission to put in bids for NCAA Division Two Wrestling Championships and to also bring back USA Curling. Roeder reported Sunday is the house plant exchange at the library. Engberg reported that in January there were twenty- three permits issued. Hoppe reported that Park Drive between 76th and 77th will get a complete makeover by reconstructing the street because of a drainage issue that needs solved.
Hoppe recognized Lori Laster, from the Papio Creek Watershed Partnership. Hoppe reported to council that the partnership is continuing to take comments so we do not have a final agreement which is why it has been moved to a discussion item. Laster, an engineer with the Papio Missouri River Natural Resources District went through a Power Pointe presentation. Moved and seconded to table the Papio Creek Watershed Partnership Inter-local until such time as the inter-local is finalized. Aye: Krause, Brousek, Kjar, Preis, Kavanaugh and Fideline. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Chief Leonardo gave the Ralston Police Department Year End Report 2023. Krause noted that this is a very good report.
Public Comment: None. Council Comment: Brousek thanked all of the department heads for the hard work they do for the city. Brousek stated that we have a top-notch city and he appreciates all of the dedication. Kjar stated that he is impressed with the amount of training that is conducted in the police department, noting that he is very appreciative. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 6:12 PM. The next meeting is Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 5:30 PM.
/s/Maura Kelly Ryan, City Clerk
/s/Donald A. Groesser, Mayor
Claims – February 6, 2024: aflac, insurance, $1,067.31, airtech service,inc, mechanic, $3,131.00, american united life insurance company, life insurance, $1,183.03, andrew kanngieser, fire department, $1,170.00, benefit plans,inc, insurance, $906.25, black hills energy, utilities, $1,191.96, blackstone publishing, books, $31.19, blackstrap inc, printing, $6,262.27, blue cross blue shield of ne, health insurance, $52,572.32, bmi janitorial group, cleaning services, $825.00, bohling, timothy, reimbursement, $45.99, bow wow waste, dispense bags, $133.98, casey’s business mastercard, credit card, $14.00, cengage learning inc, activities, $58.48, center point large print, printing, $49.14, century certified services, pest control, $105.00, chris teuscher, membership, $75.00, city of lavista, special services, $3,636.10, city of omaha cashier, sewer fees, $63,727.60, cox business services, internet, $985.81, eakes office solutions, supplies, $286.51, echo group, parts, $86.80, engineered controls, engineers, $1,340.00, equifax workforce solutions, background checks, $184.68, fireguard,inc, inspections, $1,955.61, first interstate bank-pension, pension, $42,782.70, first interstate bank-rps, defined benefit retirement, $7,660.27, first interstate bank mastercard, credit card, $12,952.08, first interstate wealth management-rps, trustee fees, $4,885.23, forvis, professional services, $34,000.00, geotab usa,inc, cameras, $15.00, glatfelter specialty benefits, rvfd insurance, $624.00, groesser, donald, reimburse, $751.46, houghton bradford whitted pc,llo, lawyer, $4,500.00, humana insurance co, insurance, $2,723.76, husch blackwell strategies, law firm, $2,000.00, kiley williamson, reimburse, $27.06, larry vogler trucking llc, salt, $8,226.00, leads online, investigation, $2,492.00, little guy branding, graphic design, $1506.27, macqueen equipment, equipment, $3,466.00, menards-ralston, supplies, $119.40, michael todd & co,inc, supplies, $925.00, mid-states org crime info cntr, membership, $150.00, mud-utilities, utilities, $333.47, napa auto parts, parts, $177.91, natl assoc of chiefs of police, membership, $60.00, nebraska iowa industrial fasteners corp, supplies, $250.78, nebraska iowa supply co,inc, fuel, $5,772.54, newman signs inc, traffic signs, $113.17, overhead door co of omaha, door repair, $141.00, papillion sanitation, trash service, $29,180.18, papillion sanitation waste connections, trash service, $379.04, point c health, admin fee, $381.00, quill corporation, supplies, $129.96, r&s press, inc, printing, $10.00, ralston automotive, mechanic, $382.12, ralston automotive towing, towing, $1,600.00, ralston volunteer fire dept, $18,289.52, relentless llc dba desert snow, workshop, $699.00, sarpy county, animal control, $1,719.12, the daily record, legals, $556.66, verizon wireless, phone services, $1,979.57, voya institutional trust company, trust, $1,350.00, westlake ace hardware, parts, $87.93.
2/28 ZNEZ
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