City of Valley Public notices 11/22/2024
Mayor Grove called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on November 12, 2024. Present were Mayor Grove, Council Members, Batcher, Lewis, TenEyck, and Ueckert. Also present: City Attorneys Jeff Farnham and Andrea Griffin, City Administrator Cameron Gales, Clerk Christie Donnermeyer, Building Inspector Rune van den Boogaart, Public Works Superintendent Doug Eggen. Mayor Grove noted the location of the open meetings act, and stated one copy of all reproducible written material to be discussed at this meeting is available for examination or copying. No one spoke during the visitors/correspondence. Unanimously approved the agenda. Unanimously approved the consent agenda as follows: Oct. 8, 2024 City Council minutes; Treasurer’s Report, Oct. Payroll $97132.37 & IRA $3199.76; Keno Receipts $6304.36; PeopleService Report, Minutes and/or statistics of the following boards and/or committees: Nov. Cemetery; Sept. Library minutes; Oct. Library statistics; Nov. Tree Board; and the following bills Services/Utilities/Insurance/Memberships: AFLAC 426.00; Bishop Business 1953.50; Black Hills 368.17; Bland & Assoc 9250.00; Centurylink 40.61; Code 2 Canine Services 775.00; Council Bluffs, City of 150.00; Cox 525.24; Creative Planning 1500.00; DataShield 140.00; Douglas County Environmental 6146.00; Election Commission 370.48; Elkhorn Fence Co 1479.00; Erickson & Brooks 11275.00; Farnham & Griffin 13419.50; First Neb Bank 1430.26; FiveNines 6799.32; FP Finance 152.95; Fremont Dept Utilities 91896.49; Great Plains 920.70; Hofeling Enterprise 22400.00; JD Car Wash 285.60; Jetco 4871.25; JEO 1800.00; Iowa Pump Works 2012.15; Leak Investigators 675.00; Meco-Henne 625428.00; Michael Matzen 825.00; Mutual of Omaha 1018.68; Neb Muni Clerk Assn 100.00; OPPD 18997.08; PeopleService 36163.00; S&S Pumping 1200.00; Stanzel’s Mowing 1725.00; Trekk Design 8742.50; VRBA 7788.09; Waste Connections 174.00; Wiese Plumbing 15470.32; YMCA 6777.16; Supplies/Equipment: Ace Hardware 436.16; Amazon Business 298.44; American Underground 153.28; Baker & Taylor 669.14; Blizzard Boys 224.80; Bound to stay Bound 188.47; Cappel Auto Supply 15.49; Cintas 442.07; Diamond Vogel 277.50; Eagle Eye Ent 500.00; Eakes 833.87; Electric Pump 5754.50; Fleet Charge 224.45; Grainger 205.97; Great Plains Uniforms 419.96; Goldstar Products 202.68; Helena Agri 390.72; Host Coffee 281.50; JD Financial 1161.35; Loves 3882.84; Lowes 238.34; Menards-Elkhorn 247.52; Menards-Fremont 307.59; Millard Sprinkler 474.00; MS Wiekhorst 313.92; Publication Printing 94.30; The Daily Record 985.94; Valley Ace Hardware 229.33; Bond/TIF Payments: FNB/Bond 5962.50; FNB/Bond 5962.50; Mallard 124863.53; Bluewater 280142.10; Reimburse/Refund: Bray S 87.66; Charles Thoms Homes 1150.00; Feldhacker S 110.06; Ground Builders 1000.00; Jorgensen H 53.24; Ken Oster Homes 1000.00; Landmark Performance 1150.00; LIM Const 2300.00; L & L Custom 500.00; MC Lawns 1000.00; Midwest Dwellings 2150.00; Nordell, Gerri 25.00; Prairie Homes 2150.00; Shallberg T 258.76; Slobodnik Const 100.00; Sorys Const 500.00; Tackett Co 750.00. Presented Officer Scheer with a certificate of appreciation for his exemplary dedication and extraordinary service to the community. Unanimously approved the Special Designated Liquor License of Waterloo-Valley Recreation Inc. for a baseball fundraiser on December 7, 2024. Unanimously passed and adopted Resolution No. 2024-59 Certificate of City Street Superintendent. Unanimously approved the Highway 64 snow removal agreement renewal. Passed and adopted Resolution No. 2024-61 Assignment of Agreement relating to the purchase of the fire department building. Passed and adopted Resolution No. 2024-61 Site Lease and Lease Agreement. Unanimously approved the liquor license application of Con Amor, LLC. Unanimously approved the one- and six-year street plan. Unanimously passed and adopted Ordinance No. 825 amending Valley Municipal Code relating to bow-hunting, trap shooting and the discharge of other projectiles within the corporate City limits. First Reading of Ordinance 826 annexation of Still Water Lake. Unanimously passed and adopted Resolution No. 2024-60 Prominence Global (Catalina) Redevelopment Plan. Unanimously moved to recess as City Council and convene as Community Development Agency. Unanimously passed and adopted Ordinance No. 823 detaching property within and adjacent to the City of Valley. Unanimously approve the final plat (phase 1) of Prominence Global (Catalina). Unanimously passed and adopted Ordinance No. 824 amending the zoning regulations Prominence Global (Catalina). Unanimously approved Prominence Global (Catalina) Subdivision Agreement. No update from PeopleService. Unanimously approved change order no. 4 in the amount of $11,580.00 from Onyx Blasting for the water tower bladder. Unanimously approved the award of the bid to Erikson Const. for the water treatment plant expansion. City Attorney gave updates on the following Prominence Global (Catalina) project; personnel matters; miscellaneous matters; and closing on the fire department building purchase. Mayor reported on the following: engagement of Nebraska Rural Water to review our rates; working with PeopleService on meter readings; and the Treasurer is working on the audit. Unanimously moved to adjourn. I certify that the above represents a factual account of the proceedings of the Valley City Council. A complete transcript of the minutes is available in the office of the City Clerk during regular business hours.
Attest: Christie Donnermeyer, City Clerk
11/22 ZNEZ
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