Online, electronic bids are invited and will be received by the City of Omaha on the following project(s):
OPW 54722
2024 Emergency Utility Cuts Major Roadways
All bidders are required to comply with the Omaha Contract Compliance Program. Details of this program are incorporated in the bid documents.
As evidence of good faith and guarantee that contract will be entered into should award be made thereon, a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 5% of the bid must accompany bid. City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids in whole or in part, and the bidders shall have the right to appeal any decision to the City Council.
Questions regarding this project may be directed to (402) 444-5220.
Eric J. Carlson
12/27 ZNEZ
Sealed bids for the renovation/construction of the City of Omaha MAGNETIC DOOR LOCKS AT LAKE ZORINSKY RESTROOM BUILDINGS, Zorinsky Lake, various locations, are invited and will be received on or before the bid opening date, as per the project’s specifications.
Bids shall be submitted on the electronic forms provided by the Douglas County Purchasing Department. Electronic bid forms can be found on the Douglas County Purchasing (Ionwave) website at Bidders must complete all required fields. Bids must be electronically filed on or before 11:00 A.M. on: Wednesday, JANUARY 24, 2024 at which time the bids will be opened and read by the City Clerk before the Bid Opening Committee and the public in LC-4, Omaha/Douglas Civic Center.
Contract Documents (plans, specifications and electronic bid forms) may be obtained on the Douglas County Purchasing (ionwave) web site at after DECEMBER 27, 2023
Plans and Specifications, but not electronic bid forms, may also be examined and obtained at the office of the following printers: Standard Digital Imaging, 4426 South 108th Street, Omaha, NE 68137 (800-642-8062) on or after Wednesday, DECEMBER 27, 2023. Contact the printer for the cost associated with your request.
Plans and specifications may also be examined (but not obtained) at the Omaha Parks, Recreation and Public Property Department, 1819 Farnam Street – Suite 701, Omaha, Nebraska 68183-0701, Monday –Friday from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.
There will be a non-mandatory, pre-bid meeting WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2024, at 2:30pm. The meeting location is the restroom building located at the Zorinsky Lake boat ramp area. Meeting will be held rain or shine.
This project has an SEB reserve for ESB and SB Tier 1 & 2 categories for 100% of the total bid amount. For additional information see Specification Section 00 20 00, ‘Instructions to Bidders”, Part 2.16, “Utilization of Small and Emerging Small Business”.
This project does not require the bidder to submit an Economic Equity and Inclusion Program (EEIP) Plan or an approved EEIP Certificate with their bid.
As evidence of good faith and guarantee that contract will be entered into should award be made thereon, a bid bond or certified check in the amount of 5% of the bid must accompany bid. The bid bond or certified check shall be made payable to the “City of Omaha”. Failure to do so will be cause for rejection. City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids in whole or in part, and the bidders shall have the right to appeal any decision to the City Council.
Eric J. Carlson
Purchasing Agent
12/27 ZNEZ
Sealed bids for the renovation/construction of the City of Omaha WARREN SWIGART GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE REPAIR, 3865 Parkview Drive, Omaha, NE are invited and will be received on or before the bid opening date, as per the project’s specifications.
Bids shall be submitted on the electronic forms provided by the Douglas County Purchasing Department. Electronic bid forms can be found on the Douglas County Purchasing (Ionwave) website at Bidders must complete all required fields. Bids must be electronically filed on or before 11:00 A.M. on: Wednesday, JANUARY 24, 2024 at which time the bids will be opened and read by the City Clerk before the Bid Opening Committee and the public in LC-4, Omaha/Douglas Civic Center.
Contract Documents (plans, specifications and electronic bid forms) may be obtained on the Douglas County Purchasing (ionwave) web site at after DECEMBER 27, 2023
Plans and Specifications, but not electronic bid forms, may also be examined and obtained at the office of the following printers: Standard Digital Imaging, 4426 South 108th Street, Omaha, NE 68137 (800-642-8062) on or after Wednesday, DECEMBER 27, 2023. Contact the printer for the cost associated with your request.
Plans and specifications may also be examined (but not obtained) at the Omaha Parks, Recreation and Public Property Department, 1819 Farnam Street – Suite 701, Omaha, Nebraska 68183-0701, Monday –Friday from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.
There will be a non-mandatory, pre-bid meeting on JANUARY 11, 2024 at 2:30PM. The meeting will be held at 3865 Parkview Drive. Meeting will be held rain or shine.
This project has an SEB reserve for ESB and SB Tier 1 & 2 categories for 0% of the total bid amount. For additional information see Specification Section 00 20 00, ‘Instructions to Bidders”, Part 2.16, “Utilization of Small and Emerging Small Business”.
This project does not require the bidder to submit an Economic Equity and Inclusion Program (EEIP) Plan or an approved EEIP Certificate with their bid.
As evidence of good faith and guarantee that contract will be entered into should award be made thereon, a bid bond or certified check in the amount of 5% of the bid must accompany bid. The bid bond or certified check shall be made payable to the “City of Omaha”. Failure to do so will be cause for rejection. City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids in whole or in part, and the bidders shall have the right to appeal any decision to the City Council.
Eric J. Carlson, Purchasing Agent
12/27 ZNEZ
Sealed bids for the renovation/construction of the City of Omaha PICNIC SHELTER PAVING, Zorinsky Lake, Omaha, NE are invited and will be received on or before the bid opening date, as per the project’s specifications.
Bids shall be submitted on the electronic forms provided by the Douglas County Purchasing Department. Electronic bid forms can be found on the Douglas County Purchasing (Ionwave) website at Bidders must complete all required fields. Bids must be electronically filed on or before 11:00 A.M. on: Wednesday, JANUARY 10, 2024 at which time the bids will be opened and read by the City Clerk before the Bid Opening Committee and the public in LC-4, Omaha/Douglas Civic Center.
Contract Documents (plans, specifications and electronic bid forms) may be obtained on the Douglas County Purchasing (ionwave) web site at after DECEMBER 27, 2023.
Plans and Specifications, but not electronic bid forms, may also be examined and obtained at the offices of the following printers: Standard Digital Imaging, 4426 South 108th Street, Omaha, NE 68137 (800-642-8062) on or after Wednesday, DECEMBER 27, 2023. Contact the printer for the cost associated with your request.
Plans and specifications may also be examined (but not obtained) at the Omaha Parks, Recreation and Public Property Department, 1819 Farnam Street – Suite 701, Omaha, Nebraska 68183-0701, Monday –Friday from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.
This project has an SEB reserve for ESB and SB Tier 1 & 2 categories for 0% of the total bid amount. For additional information see Specification Section 00 20 00, ‘Instructions to Bidders”, Part 2.16, “Utilization of Small and Emerging Small Business”.
This project does not require the bidder to submit an Economic Equity and Inclusion Program (EEIP) Plan or an approved EEIP Certificate with their bid.
As evidence of good faith and guarantee that contract will be entered into should award be made thereon, a bid bond or certified check in the amount of 5% of the bid must accompany bid. The bid bond or certified check shall be made payable to the “City of Omaha”. Failure to do so will be cause for rejection. City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids in whole or in part, and the bidders shall have the right to appeal any decision to the City Council.
Eric J. Carlson
Purchasing Agent
12/27 ZNEZ
Online, electronic bids are invited and will be received by the City of Omaha on the following project(s):
OPW 54723
2024 Emergency Utility Cuts Minor Roadways
All bidders are required to comply with the Omaha Contract Compliance Program. Details of this program are incorporated in the bid documents.
As evidence of good faith and guarantee that contract will be entered into should award be made thereon, a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 5% of the bid must accompany bid. City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids in whole or in part, and the bidders shall have the right to appeal any decision to the City Council.
Questions regarding this project may be directed to (402) 444-5220.
Eric J. Carlson
12/27 ZNEZ
Online, electronic bids are invited and will be received by the City of Omaha on the following project(s):
OPW 54724
2024-2025 City Wide Utility Cuts
All bidders are required to comply with the Omaha Contract Compliance Program. Details of this program are incorporated in the bid documents.
As evidence of good faith and guarantee that contract will be entered into should award be made thereon, a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 5% of the bid must accompany bid. City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids in whole or in part, and the bidders shall have the right to appeal any decision to the City Council.
Questions regarding this project may be directed to (402) 444-5220.
Eric J. Carlson
12/27 ZNEZ
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Omaha, Nebraska
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