State of Nebraska Public Notices 1/15/2025
The following application(s) may be inspected at the office of the Nebraska Public Service Commission during regular office hours. Interventions must be filed with the Commission in the manner and within the time prescribed in Section 14 of the Rules of Commission Procedure, Title 291, NAC Chapter 1.
C-5629 In the Matter of the Application of Nebraska Central Telephone Company, Gibbon, Nebraska, seeking approval of an Interconnection Agreement with Level 3 Communications, LLC, Broomfield, Colorado.
The following application(s) may be inspected at the office of the Commission during regular business hours. Protests must be filed with the Nebraska Public Service Commission and the Applicant in the manner and within the time prescribed in Section 14 of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure.
B-1624.02r In the Matter of the Application of Windstar Lines, Inc., Carroll, Iowa, seeking to establish its rates and charges subject to the Provisions of Neb. Rev. Stat. Chapter 75, Articles 1 and 3.
B-2118.01r In the Matter of the Application of Long Drive Luxury Shuttle, LLC, Omaha, seeking to establish its rates and charges subject to the Provisions of Neb. Rev. Stat. Chapter 75, Articles 1 and 3.
B-2138.01r In the Matter of the Application of Meba Logistics, LLC, d/b/a Meba Logistics, Omaha, seeking to establish its rates and charges subject to the Provisions of Neb. Rev. Stat. Chapter 75, Articles 1 and 3.
1/15 ZNEZ
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