State of Nebraska Public Notices 1/9/2025
The Nebraska Telecommunications Relay Service Advisory Committee will meet in the Commission Hearing Room, 300 The Atrium 1200 N Street, Lincoln, NE on January 24, 2025, at 1 p.m. CDT. An agenda is available by calling or writing to the Nebraska Public Service Commission, 1200 N Street, Suite 300, Lincoln, NE 68508 or by calling (402) 471-3101 (Voice) or (402) 471-0213 (TTY). Remote viewing of the meeting is available at For telephonic access, please dial 408-418-9388, and use access code 146 273 5624.
The following proposed Rule and Regulation may be inspected at the offices of the Nebraska Public Service Commission during regular office hours. Comments must be filed with the Commission in the manner and within the time prescribed in Section 14 of the Rules of Commission Procedure:
RULE AND REGULATION #212: In the Matter of the Commission, on its own motion, seeking to amend Title 291, Chapter 8, Grain Warehouse and Grain Dealer Rules and Regulations for general cleanup and updates and to comply with Nebraska Legislative Bill 262 (2024).
Written comments in this matter were due to the Commission by Friday, October 11, 2024. No further written comments will be accepted at this time.
A public hearing to receive testimony on the proposed Rules and Regulations has been scheduled for Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. Central Time. Remote access to the hearing will be available via WebEx at the following link: Individuals may also attend the meeting by telephone: dial 469-210-7159 and then enter 146 153 5285, when prompted for an access code.
The Commission believes there will be no fiscal impact as a result of these rules.
Copies of the proposed rules are available on the Commission website at Anyone wishing to receive written notices regarding this docket shall provide contact information to the Commission and ask to be added to the service list.
If auxiliary aids or reasonable accommodations are needed for attendance at a Commission hearing, please call the Commission at 402-471-3101. For people with hearing/speech impairments, please call the Commission using the Nebraska Relay System at (800) 833-7352 (TDD) or (800) 833-0920 (Voice). Advance notice of at least seven days is needed when requesting an interpreter.
The following application(s) may be inspected at the office of the Nebraska Public Service Commission during regular office hours. Interventions must be filed with the Commission in the manner and within the time prescribed in Section 14 of the Rules of Commission Procedure, Title 291, NAC Chapter 1.
GW-1679 In the Matter of the Application of Herbert Feed & Grain Co., Verdigre, Nebraska, requesting a deductible on its stock insurance higher than $10,000.
C-5628 In the Matter of the Application of Matthew Green, Marquette, seeking authority to receive advanced telecommunications capability service from the Hordville Exchange of the Hamilton Telephone Company.
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