3 Dangerous Phrases

There are three phrases I consider dangerous in business.
How? Ever have a great idea and tell someone about it? Did they ask "How are you going to do it?" If so, chances are you were totally deflated. Without a solid answer, you felt a bit foolish, a bit scared and most certainly discouraged. You probably gave up the idea. The question "how?" is powerful enough to sink the greatest idea. Don't listen to that question. Focus on the “what”. You will find a way if you believe in your goal.
I Know. This statement (either spoken or thought) instantly closes us off to new ideas, innovative approaches, possibilities. We've been told it before, said it ourselves. Delete this thought from your head! In its place, try this phrase: "Isn't that interesting." By taking this approach, you leave yourself room to consider and explore new thought processes. You haven't agreed yet, but you have avoided closing your mind to a new idea.
Not Now. You're too busy, or maybe you've got to think about it. There’s no time or you’re not available. We often miss our opportunities by procrastinating and delaying. Or we lose the impact of a new idea by not implementing it quickly. Delay means lost customers, lost sales, lost money. Don't just add things to the pile. Don't say, "I'll get around to it." Make room on your calendar to consider your opportunities. Have daily, weekly and monthly planning times scheduled, right on your calendar. Make an appointment with yourself to examine your possibilities and make a decision.
These three phrases cause untold loss and discouragement to people every day. You can change your life by deleting them from your vocabulary and focusing on how to be more effective. But Not Now because you Know you can't see How you'll do it.
Michael McKee is a long-time member of the Omaha business community. If you have something to share with Michael McKee, you can write to michael@omahadailyrecord.com, or you can attend at the Omaha Empowerment Breakfast (OmahaEmpowermentBreakfast.org). This column is no substitute for legal, tax or financial advice, which can be furnished only by a licensed professional.
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