Committee on American Civics
Tuesday, May 30, 2023 5:30 PM
Administration Center Board Room
Plattsmouth Community Schools
1912 Old Hwy. 34
Plattsmouth, NE 68048
1. Call Meeting to Order - Chair Shuey called the meeting to order at 5:31 PM.
2. Acknowledge Open Meetings Law - Chair Shuey acknowledged the Open Meetings Law posted in the boardroom.
3. Publication of Meeting - Notice of the meeting was published in the May 25, 2023 edition of The Daily Record and posted in the display case outside the administration center, at the Plattsmouth location of the U.S. Postal Service, and on the district website at
Chair Shuey read the notice.
4. Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Shuey led the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Roll Call: Cunningham Swanson, Muller, Shuey
All committee members were present. President Brian P. Harvey, Superintendent Dr. Richard E.
Hasty, and Director of Instructional Services Dr. Cherie Larson were also present for the meeting.
6. Discuss and review the social studies curriculum to ensure alignment with the Nebraska Department of Education standards and LB 399.
Dr. Larson and the committee discussed the social studies curriculum. It is aligned with Nebraska Department of Education standards and LB 399.
6.1. Chair Shuey opened the hearing for public input at 5:48 PM.
6.2. Chair Shuey closed the hearing at 5:49 PM.
7. Adjournment. Committee Chair Shuey adjourned the meeting at 5:49 PM.
6/5 ZNEZ
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